Sunday, December 27, 2009

playing with fire

As I type this, I'm sitting here still red-faced from completely embarrassing myself. I might have had dozens of fires in my fireplace, but I apparently still don't know what I'm doing.

As smoke was billowing out of the fireplace I realized I was in trouble. I set off the alarm which is tied to my home security system. I couldn't shut it off, so the alarm system was dispatched. I never changed my home number, so when they couldn't reach me they called the fire department. Then they called my cell phone to kindly let me know the fire department was on it's way! Oh crap! I thought I'd have to explain it to the alarm people but not the fire department!

I tried to tell them to cancel it, but it was too late. I realized this fact, because I could hear the fire trucks coming up the interstate towards my home. I still had a few minutes to bite my nails and wait for them to pull up. I rushed outside and tried to get them to leave, but they wanted to search my entire home for smoke. They even used some heat-sensing cameras to make sure nothing was hot.

I used too many logs and such. Meh. At least I know the response time for the fire department now (it was under ten minutes.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm always scared that I'll set our fire alarm/security system off. I've yet to do it, thank goodness! I can only imagine how embarrassed you were!